Just enjoy reading them!
Lorena Ruiz de Larrinaga ,Victor Resco de Dios ,Dmitri Fabrikov ,José Luis Guil-Guerrero ,José María Becerril ,José Ignacio García-Plazaola and Esteban R*. 2019. Life after Harvest: Circadian Regulation in Photosynthetic Pigments of Rocket Leaves during Supermarket Storage Affects the Nutritional Quality. Nutrients in press https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11071519.
JaBuezo J,Esteban R, Cornejo A, López-Gómez P, Marino D, Chamizo-Ampudioa A, Gil MJ, Martínez-Merino V, Moran JF. 2019. IAOx induces the SUR phenotype and differential signalling from IAA under different types of nitrogen nutrition in Medicago truncatula roos. Plant Science. in presss. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.110176.
Royo B, Esteban R, Buezo J, Santamaría E, Fernández-Irigoyen J, Becker D, Moran JF. 2019. The proteome of Medicago truncatula in response to ammonium and urea nutrition reveals the role of membrane proteins and enzymes of root lignification. 162, 168-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.02.010. under
Fini A, Massimiliano T, Esteban R*. 2017. Plant responses to novel environmental pressures. Frontiers in plant science in press 10.3389/fpls.2017.02000
Esteban R*, García-Plazaola JI, Hernández A, Fernández-Marín B. 2017. On the recalcitrant use of Arnon’s method for chlorophyll determination. New Phytologist in press DOI:10.1111/nph.14932
Fernandez-Marin B, Hernández A, García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Miguez F, Artetxe U, Gómez-Sagasti T (2017). Photoprotective strategies of Mediterranean plants in relation to morphological traits and natural environmental pressure: a meta-analytical approach. Frontiers in Plant Science19: 1051 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01051
Esteban R, Royo B, Urarte E, Zamarreño AM, García-Mina JM, Moran JF (2016) Both free indole-3-acetic acid and the photosynthetic performance are important players in the response of Medicago truncatula to urea and ammonium nutrition under axenic conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 7; 140
Esteban R, Ariz I, Cruz C, Moran JF (2016) The mechanisms of ammonium toxicity and the quest for tolerance. Plant Science 248; 92–101.
Fernández-Marín. B, Esteban R, Miguez F, Artetxe U, Castañeda V, Pintó Marijuan M, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI (2015) Ecophysiological roles of abaxial anthocyanins in a perennial understory herb from temperate deciduous forests. AoB PLANTS in press
Esteban R, Barrutia O, Artetxe U, Fernández Marin B, Hernandez A, García-Plazaola JI. Internal and external factors affecting photosynthetic pigment composition in plants: a meta-analytic approach. New Phytologist 206: 268–280.
Fernández Marin B, Barrutia O, Artetxe U, Esteban R, Hernandez A, García-Plazaola JI. 2015. Opening Pandora´s box: cause and impact of error son plant pigment studies. Frontiers in Plant Science in press.
Esteban R, Moran JF, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. Versatility of carotenoids: an integrated view on diversity, evolution, functional roles and environmental interactions. 2015. Environment Experimental Botany. DOI 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2015.04.009.
Fernández-Marín. B, Esteban R, Miguez F, Artetxe U, Castañeda V, Pintó Marijuan M, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI (2015>) Ecophysiological roles of abaxial anthocyanins in a perennial understory herb from temperate deciduous forests. AoB PLANTS in press.
Tronina L, García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Pereira JS, Chaves MM, Grant OM. 2015. Resilience of a semi-deciduous shrub, Cistus salvifolius, to severe drought. Functional Plant Biology 42: 219-228.
Esteban R, Fernández-Marín B, Olano JM, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. 2014. Does plant colour matter? Wax accumulation as an indicator of decline in Juniperus thurifera Tree Physiology 34, 267–274.
Esteban R, Eva Fleta-Soriano, , Javier Buezo, , Fatima Miguez, , José M. Becerril, José I. García-Plazaola. 2014. Enhancement of zeaxanthin in two-steps by environmental stress induction in rocket and spinach. Food Research International 65 207–21.
Esteban R, Fernández-Marín B, Hernandez A, Jiménez ET, León A, García-Mauriño S, Silva CD, Dolmus JR, Dolmus CM, Molina MI, Dolmus JR, Dolmus CM, Molina MJ, Gutierrez NN, Loaisiaga MI, Brito P, García-Plazaola JI. 2013. Salt crystal deposition as a reversible mechanism to enhance photoprotection in black mangrove. Trees 27, 229-237.
Baslam M, Esteban R, García-Plazaola JI, Goicoechea N. 2013. Effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for inducing the accumulation of major carotenoids, chlorophylls and tocopherol in green and red leaf lettuces. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97:3119-3128.
Silva-Cancino MC, Esteban R, Artetxe U, García Plazaola JI. 2012. Patterns of spatio-temporal distribution of winter chronic photoinhibition in leaves of three evergreen Mediterranean species with contrasting acclimation responses. Physiologia Plantarum 144: 289–301.
Martínez B, Arenas F, Rubal M, Burgués S, Esteban R, García-Plazaola JI, López-Figueroa F, Pereira R, Saldaña L, Sousa-Pinto I, Trilla A, Viejo R. Physical factors driving intertidal macroalgae distribution: physiological stress of a dominant fucoid at its southern limit. Oecologia 170: 341-353.
García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Fernández-Marín B, Kranner I, Porcar-Castell A. 2012. Thermal energy dissipation and xanthophyll cycles, beyond the Arabidopsis model. Photosynthesis Research 113: 89-103.
Pintó-Marijuan M, Joffre R, Casals I, Agazio M, Zacchini M, García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Aranda X, Guàrdia M, Fleck I. 2012.Antioxidant and photoprotective responses to elevated CO2 and heat stress during holm-oak regeneration by resprouting evaluated by NIRS (Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy) Plant Biology 15: 5-17 Special Issue: Woody Plant Performance in a Changing Climate. Guest Editor: M.S. Günthardt-Goerg.
Ariz I, Esteban R, Garcia-Plazaola JI, Aparicio-Tejo PM, Moran JF. 2010. High Irradiance induces photoprotective mechanisms and a positive effect on NH4+ stress in Pisum sativum. Journal of Plant Physiology 167: 1038-1045.
Esteban R, Olascoaga B, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. 2010 Insights into carotenoid dynamics in non-foliar photosynthetic tissues of avocado. Physiologia Plantarum 140: 69-78.
Esteban R, Matsubara S, Jiménez MS, Morales D, Brito P, Lorenzo R, Fernández-Marín B, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. 2010. Operation and Regulation of Lutein epoxide cycle in seedlings of Ocotea foetens. Functional Plant Biology 37: 859-869.
Esteban R., Martínez B., Fernández-Marín B., Becerril J.M., García-Plazaola J.I. Carotenoids compostion in Rhodophyta: insights into xanthophylls regulation in Corallina elongata 2009. European Journal of phycology 44: 221-23.
Esteban R, Olano JM, Castresana J, Fernández-Marín B, Hernández A, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. Distribution and evolutionary trends of photoprotective isoprenoids (xanthophylls and tocopherols) within the plant kingdom. 2009. Physiologia plantarum 135: 379-389.
Esteban R, Balaguer L, Manrique E, Rubio de Casas R, Ochoa R, Fleck I, Pintó-Marijuan M, Casals I, Morales D, Jiménez MS, Lorenzo R, Artetxe U, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. 2009. Alternative mehods for sampling and preservation of photosynthetic pigments and tocopherols in plant material from remote locations. Photosynthesis Research 101: 77-88.
Fernández-Marín B, Balaguer L, Esteban R, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. 2009 Dark induction of the photoprotetive xanthophyll cycle in response to dehydration. Journal of Plant Physiology 166: 1734-1744.
García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Hormaetxe K, Becerril JM. Seasonal reversibility of acclimation to irradiance in leaves of common box (Buxus sempervirens L.) in a deciduous forest. 2008. Flora 203: 254-260.
Esteban R, Fernández-Marín B, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. Photoprotective implications of leaf variegation in E. dens-canis L. and P. officinalis L. 2008. Journal of Plant Physiology 165: 1255-1263.
Esteban R, Jímenez MS, Morales D, Jímenez ET, Hormaetxe K, Becerril JM, Osmond B, García-Plazaola JI. 2008. Short-and long-term modulataion of lutein epoxide and violaxanthin cycles in two species of the Lauraceae: sweet bay laurel (Laurus. nobilis L.) and avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Plant Biology 10: 288-297.
García-Plazaola JI, Esteban R, Hormaetxe K, Fernández-Marín B, Becerril JM. Photoprotective responses of mediterranean and atlantic trees to the extreme heat-wave of summer 2003 in southwestern Europe. 2008. Trees 22: 385-392.
Becerril JM, Hernández A, Esteban R, García-Plazaola JI. 2007. Plasticity of photoprotective mechanisms of Buxus sempervirens L. leaves in response to extreme temperatures. . Plant Biology 9: 59-68.
Esteban R, Jiménez ET, Jiménez MS, Morales D, Hormaetxe K, Becerril JI, García-Plazaola JI. Dynamics of violaxanthin and lutein epoxide xanthophyll cycles in Lauraceae tree species under field conditions. 2007. Tree physiology 27: 1407-1414.
Hormaetxe K, Esteban R, Becerril JM, García-Plazaola JI. Dynamics of α-tocopherol and xantophyll cycle pools as affected by leaf ageing and environmental stress. Physiologia Plantarum 125: 333-344.